So i wanted to make a unique Giant Sword (sacred) for my barb. 1 Reagents 2 Disenchanting 2.1 Arcane Shards 2.2 Arcane Crystals 2.3 Arcane Cluster 2.4 Signets of Learning 3 Item quality 3.1 Upgrade to Non-magical Item 3.2 Upgrade to Magical.

It is used very often and the character starts his adventures with it. This page may not be up to date, click this link for an updated page Cube Recipes The Horadric Cube is the most important item of Median XL: Sigma. Image Name Level Stats Diamond 12 Weapons: Armor: Shields: +2% to Spell Damage 3% to Strength Elemental Resists +3%: Flawless Diamond. Median XL contains the standard Diablo II gems with new bonuses, but also 5 new gem types and 30 new runes. Unique Mystic Orbs Item Affixes Shrine Bonuses Trophy Bonuses Spell Damage Poison Damage Armor Looks Gems and Runes.Many cube recipes work only if you have the required amount of Crafting. Median XL overhauls its function from a cute gimmick to an important tool of war. 1 Cube Recipes 1.1 Intro 1.1.1 Crafting Points 1.1.2 Reagents 1.2 Disenchanting 1.3 Rerolling 1.4 Uptiering 1.5 Affixing 1.6 Jewel Crafting 1.7 Alchemy 1.8 Shortcuts 1.9 Miscellaneous The Horadric Cube is an underused aspect of Diablo II.Magical: Rare: Set: Unique: Crafted: Honorific: Socketed item + Oil of Disjunction -> separate item. These recipes separate the socket fillers (gems, jewels, runes) from an item and return both the item and the socket fillers. Borgin's Vigil cannot be duped because, well, there is only one Borgin. The Cornerstone of the World unique jewel cannot be duped for balance reasons.Later on, sell rare (yellow) items to get profit. Yes, the fastest way is to socket a rune into throwing weapon and sell it to any vendor. If you mean how to reroll a Sacred Unique - Enchanted Crystal can do it, but, imo, it's not worth at all because of a tedious process to get one and dissapointing result at the end 3.+3-6 to Summon Shadows), then the bonus is an 'oskill', giving this skill to any class for free Oskills If an item has a skill bonus with no character class requirement (eg. All unique items come with the maximum allowed number of sockets for the item type.The stats of each unique depend on the tier of the base item: higher tier versions of the same unique are improved in all aspects, but have higher requirements Each regular item has one unique version that can drop anywhere in the game. Home Median xl unsocket unique Tiered Uniques :: Median XL / Game Guid